Just another bookadict

I read as much as humanly possible... Okay, that's not true, because I'd want to read more than that. But as I am a human... of sort... I have a "slower" pace, still not a single day can go by without reading.


Annoying mental issues

The Forever of Ella and Micha  - Jessica Sorensen

I had mixed and controversial feelings about this book. On the one hand, I somehow enjoyed it, but on the other hand it annoyed me at some level and I couldn't wait to finish with it.

My problems are similar like with 'The Secret of Ella and Micha'. No matter the fuckedupness of Ella and Micha, they are not complex and layered enough characters for my taste. I should say they were inconsistent.
Ella's bipolar panic and all whole mental issues made it difficult to read, and annoyed me the most. I got it that it's a difficult mental state she's in, but I experienced more struggle, than progress - despite the end of the story, and all the positive hopes for a future.
Micha with his daddy issue, bah, I got the feeling like he's over-exaggerating he's whole hatefulness towards his dad, just to have a matching fuckedupness like Ella.
Sometimes they both reacted like immature YAs over-emphasizing their issues and feelings for each other.

Soon I realized I'm more curious about Ethan and Lila, because they seemed more real for me, than Ella and Micha.

Still, I really enjoyed JS's clean, smooth and matter-of-fact writing style.

I wanted to love this book, but as I couldn't manage it with 'The Secret of Ella and Micha', it didn't work with this one as well.

But at least I got all curious about Ethan and Lila.

Why, oh why?

The Edge of Always  - J.A. Redmerski

At first I gave 5 star. Then slept on it and thought some... and some more. Finally I realized - no matter how much I wanted it - it wasn't a 5 star experience, at all.

Already the start of it worried me a bit. It was somehow too sweet, too cheesy, too "pinkish" knowing Camryn and Andrew. Somehow, it was soo not them. And perhaps that's why Fate came barging in and crashed it.
And that did good to the story with Camryn drama coping issue and getting back to the road again.
If I want to be honest (and I am) the road trip was the best part of this book. Great dialogues, excellent character play, shockingly interesting adventure and twists. I really enjoyed that part, it was like the atmosphere of The Edge of Never returned that I loved so much.

And than came the back to "social life" and let's get normal like any other couple. Although the wedding vows were beautiful and epic, so Camryn and Andrew. Also, the writing, how the story entered to the birthing scene was absolutely super. Excellently, smartly written, and never see it coming.

But after that... well, yeah. The totally happily ever after with glimpses to the future. Everything somehow wrapped up to end the story in a romantic, pink, fluffy way. No matter how both tried to convince me with highlighting they haven't changed and will return to traveling again, well, that didn't happen. I get it that people are change with time, give up dreams or plans of their lives, but Camryn and Andrew was soo against being average and comforted in a society where they didn't feel like they belong to.

I can't say I'm disappointed, as I didn't have any high hopes with this book. I just wanted some more of Camryn & Andrew's road trip and living day by day, not knowing what will happen, but still make the best of it. Although I didn't like the end part of it, as being too cheesy for me, at least I got my road trip experience which was just as perfect as in The Edge of Never.

A Different Blue

A Different Blue - Amy Harmon I sooo have a thing for stories that are written in a neutral, sort of matter-of-fact way. Because this writing approach really highlights feelings, conflicts and thoughts.

A Different Blue is exactly like this. The whole story starts slowly, painful that made it a bit difficult for me to read. It wasn't dragging, it was simply too much for me to cope with.
Native American touch with characters and stories was a beautiful touch. Stories reminded me so much to those folk-tales we had here in Hungary. Wisdom, a man's story told in colorful, sometimes mournful way that you'll remember for ever and can recite anytime.

Blue had so many layers that I couldn't get enough it. Once you figured something out, she presented a new one. The way she so her non-existence, just being, unwanted and not belonging was at times really heartbreaking. The way she related to those few people left in her life, her clinging to Jimmy made can be subject to endless discussions.
Just like her carving art that was so beautifully written, you could practically saw each of her sculptures.

And you got Wilson (Darcy:):))... He's whole character was absolutely fantastic, some cynical and bickering with everything that English, making him some sort of dorky whom everything looks funny because of the way he speaks and sometimes behaves. It was fun and painfully beautiful how they start to connect and become friends, and than something more. He also brought along the surprising twists and insight of what we readers might wondering around.

All though might find the plot or parts of this story average, common, or trendy-subject-nowadays... well, it's not, you just have to let it flow. For me it was like cleansing my soul a bit and breathe a bit freely. It really did good to my soul
And final confession kisses in the basement are one of the most beautiful kiss scenes I've ever read.
Still, though, I didn't like the cover... yeah, I know... can't help it, I'm a cover-freak. Something more complex, haunting, artistic would have been better.

It's a beautiful story of redemption, forgiving, letting go, freeing yourself, let life take too bright places in a painful, tearful way spiced with some fun, and humor when you wouldn't expected it.
Allegiant  - Veronica Roth Ground rules for reading Allegiant:

1) Relive 'Divergent', 'Insurgent' before starting this (=check)
2) Don't read, glimpse any review and/or GR reading process before/while reading! (=check)
3) Keep an open mind, no matter what! (=check)

Whoa, ahm... I'm still disturbed about this. By far, this one was the darkest and heaviest. And I loved it.
I had the feeling that both 'Divergent' and 'Insurgent' were to give a certain mind set for the final story, to make you think and not just read.

Honestly, I get why most fans/readers might have been disappointed with the final book, or rather, the ending of story.
Yeah, so it was sort of dragging from the beginning. Than a small speed-up, than some more dragging, and heading with full speed til the end. Actually, I didn't found this dragging boring.For me, it was rather difficult and slow read, as it was full of theories, ideas and doubts and you had to pay attention to grasp everything. Like to much idea forced in an one sentence, and you should reread it, just to be sure, you got it. Still, I really enjoyed, but slowed me down nonetheless.

Everything you build up in ideas from the start of this series was confused, twisted some more. I've started to see Tris and Tobias more clearly. And... honestly... the ending was inevitable. Just like Uriah's death. Among all the others, he was the funny, smiley, easy-going guy despite of all the lost. He didn't have any place in this world, because he was too positive and moving-on no matter what.

What's clear: there's no ideal society. Ex-factions area (known as Chicago) can't do anything with freshly gained freedom. And the other-side-of-the-fence with all the scientific approach has already proven, they're just struggle for something ideal, but they are practically all the same (e.g. fringe = factionless). You cannot force people to behave this and that way, because you cannot break one's will and declare you're worth living and reproduce, while others are not.
Add this with the continual fight for power with no real solution for all the problems, just rolling them.

So practically, Tris, Tobias and all their friends/allies are switching one bad for the other.

And the inevitable happens, yes, Tris dies. There are no big debating about it and lining all pros/contras. It's like, this is her ultimate way. And it has to happen. Why? Because when all uprisings ended and conflicts somehow consolidated, she couldn't have exist in this new world. Because she didn't know any better than continuously fight, sacrifice, and loose what matters. If you don't have any more wars to fight and you can try to really live and have life.... what do you have? Even her relationship with Tobias would have changed. Not a happy reunion and moving on. Perhaps reacquainting, get to know each other again, but no guarantee be a happy couple. Watching the others at the end trying to find the place and build-up a new life with insecurities, taking baby steps and... just existing.

So I wasn't disappointed that there wasn't any HEA. This wasn't meant to happen. Tris fought off her fears way sooner than Tobias did. Tobias fought all his four fears only in this book. And his biggest fear was his father, and not losing Tris. That's why he focused somehow more to that. At the end, he did, but on short term, it didn't took him anywhere. Maybe in time, it will.

This review represents my confused feelings, so you can't find any logic in it (if yes, let me know).

I didn't have catharsis at the end of it. And, honestly, it's great because it represents the whole story. And because of that, when I read the last sentence my only thought was: This is how it should have happened.

Panic (Rook and Ronin, #3)

Panic (Rook and Ronin, #3) - J.A. Huss First of... ahm... as I'm a cover-freak, I should start with this: I didn't like the cover... like, at all. I didn't even liked the cover of 'Maniac' as well, but that was a 'so-so'. This cover didn't do any justice to this book, and it's a shame.

And now... to the goodies:):

This was fan-fucking-static. A WTF eye-balling crazy ride finally ending (?).
I was happy that finally all the pieces came together regarding Rook's life. And yep, Spence was right about Rook being fucking brave.

And the Three Musketeers; smart, white-collar con artists effectively exploit ones unique qualities. Ronin, Spencer and Ford are really the best. I'd team-up with them, anytime, I'm game.

No matter how I wanted Ronin & Rook's HEA (not in a cheesy way, I sort of got that), honestly I started to cheer more for Ford than Ronin. I guess it's obvious why: he's more complex; has several layers I'd love to peel down; very controversial and hectic, you don't know what triggers him; and pretty fucked-up when it comes to caring. + His confession at the end... hell, yeah, I'd jump at him, if I were Rook (Sorry, Ronin, really, but... )

Guess I loved this one, because of the fast pace of writing; being on the edge all the time on what will happen next or where this story heading at all; strange dynamism among characters. And near the end of it the story did a fast forward and, yeah, well, sort of wrapped it up. (At least the action/end drama part).

Still, I missed learning more about why Ronin, Spencer and Ford do their con-artistry. Yeah, okay, so I'd be happy to read some more about Spencer and Ford. And, by JA Huss written hints at the end of 'Panic', I might get my fix... or rather, everybody, who's curious about the Boys.

Bold Tricks  - Karina Halle Sooo... I'm getting more and more cautious, fingers cross, brace yourself kind of with a) next installment of a series; b) final book of a series. My reason is quite simple: I want it to be epic... especially a final book. No big deal, right?! ... Just be epic!... Simple as that.

'The Artist Trilogy' put the scale way a top. 'Sins & Needles' gave a fucking A start with wanting more and more. 'On Every Street' as a . book (note: I usually don't like . books) gave you some missing pieces for the whole picture. 'Shooting Stars' kicked for even higher gear just to spin your head some more.


'Bold Tricks'... when you thought, there's no way to top previous ones and expecting something like 'okay, fine, something cozy, fitful, let's cramp everything in this one...

This?... No fucking way. This was one fucking hell-of-a-ride... Like, you were sitting in Jose with Ellie, Camden & Javier and experiencing everything. As... totally everything... from first row seats.

It was spinning, getting faster and faster, while you'd have slowed it down just to prolong and have some more of it.
Actually, I was expecting to have a more clearer picture of who's where and how, finally taking sides. Well, okay, sort of... Javier came clearer actually, with realizing - just like us (or me) as reader - he lost it... like, big time... Because, I finally get it (or I think so): he had some idealistic thoughts of Ellie being easy to meld to his world. The idea she has it what it takes; to be the queen of all crimes, killings and pull it of easily. No blinking, be tough cookie... But Ellie still had it in her, the thrive for something better, or rather... finally for something better and normal. Without self-hate, remorse and pink dreams of something normal. She wanted it, realized it and made efforts for it.

Still, in the end, I somehow felt sorry for Javier. While cheering for Camden & Ellie for "tricking" and betraying him. Perfect crime.

Twists and turns, WTF moments, new and interesting side characters to spice the story. This was an awesome series reading experience from start to finish. Simple perfect... and... well, yeah... epic.

Ricochet (Addicted, #1.5)

Ricochet (Addicted, #1.5) - Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie I've already explained my thing/problem with .0,5, 1, 1.5... etc kind of books for a series, so I'm not going there again.
But this one, I really liked. For one, because it was longer than other additional thingies for a series. And second, because I got what I expected, waited for ... sort of.

Some might find that this book is sort of dragging, and difficult to get over with. Maybe even their hands a twitching to put this away. Honestly, there were moments when I thought same.
But not because I didn't like it, it was simple too much drama with no progress of what-so-ever. Not a single glimpse, that this we'll get better, gets some sort of swing.

Well, not really... but after having some kind of "deep-breath" and "Zen-kind" of moment, I've got over it.

I also welcomed got some more glimpse of the Calloway Girls. Honestly, they're all different kinds of fucked up. I didn't really understand why Rose is like their mother. I'd rather say it's Poppy, as she's highlighted stupid not seeing a single thing that's happening with her sister. Also, she treats her own daughter exactly the same way, as her mother did.

Rose acting all "rock" while devastatingly fighting against their mother's all around control and perfectionism. Daisy with all her rebel and desperate need to do something that makes her alive and herself and not some "runaway-fleeing-to-keep-mommy-happy".

It was also fun to read more about Ryke and Connor. Their fight with each other about "who's Lil's friend to help her most" is ridiculous and sort of sweet.

And Lil... honestly... no matter what other addictions (alcohol, drug) do to your system, sex addiction fucks with your head big time. There's no cure for it, only to learn to control it and figure out what triggered it in the first place. It was really painful to see Lil's lost, devastating attempts to get better while generating all kind of psychological seizures. There's still no fully answer for what triggered it with her, but I guess we're getting there.

And Lo: missed him, probably fighting more with his addiction than Lil does, but he's in rehab, so it's different and "easier". While in 'Addicted To You' you had the nonstop feeling that they're not good for each other; the way sometimes they dragged each other deeper in ones addiction, in this installment I sort of got the glimpse, that maybe it's not the obviously true. Change of prospect in Lo's, the need to help Lil and never let her down, the determined belief that they will make it. Well, you got hopeful just as Lil does.
Yep, and Skype sex is hot :):)

All in all: sometime it was a bit of a dragging with the story, but - for me - the shocks, psychological issues and side-characters really compensated and conserved my curiosity on what's about to come.

Addicted to You (Addicted, #1)

Addicted to You (Addicted, #1) - Krista Ritchie,  Becca Ritchie Whoa... that was one superb book. Ahm... still pretty shaken by it.

Take two addicts: Lil (sex) and Lo (alcohol). Also they have other addictions: they're addicted to lies, faced, their parents' perfectionism, and well, each other.
Uni students knowing each other ever since childhood, living together and living in a lie for Lil's family sake to play the plot as being in a serious relationship.

They don't have any friends, they don't socialize other than with one-night stands or expensive bourbons. And yep, they're pretty loaded which should give you the idea that they're only two wealthy, boring kids nothing better to do, than have addictions in the hope someone sees how broken they are. Yep, it should give some "Cruel Intentions" feeling to the story, but... does not.

Than they decide to do something else: try the relationship thing for real. Of course, in the hopes, that it will help them sort they addictions out and maybe, perhaps help each other that way.
Despite their feelings each other, this is actually causes more harm than good. Because when there are the moments when one or both of them admits, that this is no good and no help at all, it would also look like one "cheating" the other. Because if you admit that you're addicted and do something about while the other doesn't, than it's hypocrisy big time.

And things getting into a way bigger turmoil, when "friends" starting to appear: Connor and Ryke. And they starting to influence both Lil and Lo with their silent or non-silent knowledge about Lo's alcoholism, until the final crash, which was a sort of surprise to me, but I had a good feeling about it previously.

What really intrigued me in this story was how these fucked-up, heavily and sickeningly addicted persons can function together in a totally not healthy relationship. How can you so desperately cling to another person because he/she knows your biggest secret and does not condemn you for what you're doing with yourself? And how long can it go like this? And it's stated in here: not for long, and one should admit it, to brace yourself and admit: you want to be better and you need help for this.

The writing style was excellent: somehow neutral, matter-of-factly, no bullshitting around. It didn't force you to go through the clichés why one becomes addicted. It simply showed you in a very raw, harsh way offering to get your own ideas, thoughts about it.

Each characters, even the support ones were several layered, interesting and fun. Keep you on thinking edge like, okay-so-what's-their-deal.

And mine is: when one addicted person falls in love with another addicted person, if they cure (one or both), what will happen with their feelings? Will it be the same, better, stronger? Or everything changes for the worst, becoming strangers, because only their addiction and their reaction to each others addiction made it real from the start?

Definitely one find this out...
Free Four - 'Veronica Roth' I'm always a bit of unsure about additional, .x, in-between etc. kind of installments for a series.
For one, as I don't understand why it's necessary (other than keep up the interest of fans, readers). For two, they're usually quite short (God, I hate any literature under 200 pages :/)

With Divergent series I'm quite biased, so I practically jump at anything that's related to it until Allegiant comes out.

Title was confusing: Free Four and Tobias tells the story.

I don't see anything in this short story that has anything to do with Free Four, other than his way of thinking and questioning his membership among Dauntless.

And Tobias Tells the Story... well, you'd expect you can reread Divergent from his POV (which would be totally unnecessary), but than you realize it's not enough pages. So, he rather just gives a glimpse to one of his encounter with Tris. And practically this is what you got from this "snippet": a glimpse to Four's way of thinking at that exact moment, which is a nice addition to the story, but nothing more and you won't be anymore smarter about the story, really.

So, this is a nice addition, but I don't see why it was necessary. It's only for absolute Divergent fans only.

Just Remember to Breathe

Just Remember to Breathe - Charles Sheehan-Miles So, I choose this read just like many others: it was written by a male author.
And I'm always intrigued with male writers when it comes to emotions, love, okay... any "girly" stuff.
I've always thought that emotions from male perspectives are more sort of objectives... appearing in a totally different angle/light than with females. Something more down to earth.

Well... I... actually sort of got that, but not as I expected and not as much.

For me, there's a very thin and fine edge between cheesy and realistic/stomach friendly emotion cover. It's so thin, that it's quite easy to fall either this way or the other. Sometimes both at the same time.

And I've experienced all the above with this one. Cca. 70-80% was true drama, 30-20% cheesy. Also, there were times where this ratio was even more hectic.

Yeah, I get it... total confusion.

I really enjoyed the writing style, switching POVs with key sentences as chapter titles. Sometimes drama was perfect, other times... too much.

I guess, the ending part of this, was the worst mix of cheesy/drama for me. More cheesy, than drama (loved the cards thing, by the way).

Altogether I liked it, easy read with drama, but I loved the first part of it, and got sort of eye-rolling with the ending. Still, it was a nice reading experience
Faking It  - Cora Carmack I didn't know that this one is also a series... sort of. And as I read "Losing It" quite some time ago, I had difficulties to place some characters.

This one was an easy read, page-turner, leisure experience (that's the 3 stars for).

You got Max who gave me this impression as some thriving to be individual, expressing herself in music. And, buuum, she's has a pretty big baggage. (Not much building about this in the story, really)

And than there's Cade (I sooo, don't remember him from "Losing It", sorry:/), who's... ahm... with all the good looks and charms... well, he's plain, simple and everything is so forced.
He's like this "we should have a hot, male lead character" and there's nothing much to it. He is an actor, but doesn't do much acting, just studies (also no indication for that in the book, it's just said), doing so volunteer work (nice boyscout guy). For me, he was way too simple. (Not surprised, he had girl problems in the past).

And than there are some side characters, who appear, it seems like they play some major role in this story, but than vanish, like CC didn't know how to deal with them, or insert them in the story some more.

Honestly, sometimes the whole story was soo overdramatized for me. I understand the tragedy and drama of Max, but it was dragged out way too long. And the end drama was solved with some dramatic wrap-up, like let's get on with this, and some skipping at the end.

Fortunately, I didn't have high expectation with this one (hardly remember "Losing It" to be honest), I was just looking for a fun, easy read. And I got it (drama aside), but ask me in like 1 month time, and I won't be able to recall much of this story. (Sorry :()

Unteachable - Leah Raeder Huuuh, well, okay, so... this was a hell of headcase, awesome reading experience.

The plot: teacher-student. But approached somehow from a different angle than any other books about this.
This one was raw, cynical, harsh, funny. Cynical is my favorite and most intriguing personal quality ever. It either rubs you the right way or the wrong way, but always generates some kind of respond from others you can endlessly analyze. I for myself, can't get enough of it.

And the main characters:
Maise - I guess you should be a qualified psychologist to truly describe her. She has several layers and can be watched from several angles resulting perhaps different description. It was so long (actually I can't even recall when) that I read about and enjoyed a female character this much. Based on her background (drug dealer mom, non-existing father, no childhood) you'd except something like "I'm gonna break free, be a better a person" and feel sorry for herself all the time. And... she's not that. She's way to cynical, raw, realistic, down-to-earth. She's not that whining person, blaming everyone around her for a tough life. She just accepts, watches from the outside and creates a grown-up picture of herself to have at least some feelings, impulses. Yep, she wants to break free, but in a "I don't give a shit" way. She really takes her destiny in her own hands. Acting all adult while there's this little girl inside her with need to be loved, belonged. And she hides this so well... until...

E. comes. It was so strange that he practically didn't even faze, when he figured out, Maise is his student and younger than him. (Although consenting adult). I don't even know if Maise or E. has more layers. One thing is sure: they're both fucked up. Never experienced emotional development in their lives. Simply going by, existing in what's given. He was this total controversial figure for me: one way, he doesn't care if everyone learns it in school and he loses his job; and than reaches a point when he does care (although not because of himself). It'd been interesting to learn more about his thoughts with some switching POVs, but perhaps it was better like this.

So, yeah, this isn't a healthy relationship, and perhaps only the forbidden fruit thing is what keeps them together. But they both somehow grow-up in the process.

I was actually hoping for non-HEA, because it was soo in the story. You could practically felt it all along (and not because of the fights, break-ups)... it was simply there. But I guess... ending was okay like this.

This is a very well, stylishly written story in cynical, sometimes shocking way. A patchwork of emotions and thoughts, and even the side characters give you additional thinking to do, should Maise & E wouldn't be enough for you.

Freeing Asia (Breaking Free, #1)

Freeing Asia (Breaking Free, #1) - E.M. Abel It's very unsure 4 stars.

I had mixed feelings with this. There were parts where I really enjoyed it, and others where I was rolling my eyes and scraping my face, because I was so annoyed with it.

The whole book started pretty timid and I didn't get it where this story goes, or what's the conflict here. Than there's speed up, a quite good story, sometimes funny, hot sex scenes... but still, something bothered me with it.

Perhaps the characters. You got this not really love-triangle thing, because it was weak for it.
Jay - quite boring character, daddy's spoiled little boy with an overdone need to rebel. Practically I didn't know anything about his personality, other than nice smile, good manners, and... well, mostly average in bed, I guess.

Marcus - he was fun, charming bad boy with some forced fucked up issue. I really couldn't get what his problem was. Okay, he had pretty tragic family history, but somehow this wasn't a given basis for him to act all freaking-out-of-relationships-and-feelings. I didn't understand this guy, not at all.

And... Asia - lead female character and I sooo totally didn't put my finger as what is her problem? Really... other than her low self-esteem, while she has a foul-mouth and tough, kick-ass bar brawling skills. So, nope, I didn't get it what her issues were. I'd say she was rather exaggerated with some of her emotional stress.

Shaun I liked... his quite simple, but funny to be around and at least his honest :D

You also got BFF and a funny gay guy to get the picture. Also some surfing, skateboarding thing to make more fun of it. And god, you must have some really pink, sweet, sickening romantic love confessions and stuff... yuck!!!

Honestly, the most hilarious and fun part was the farting scene. That was sooo funny and finally appearing this, khm, problem in a book, like yep, human body is a bitch and doesn't have any restrains.

Altogether, it was a pleasant reading (negative aside), a page-turner, great for relaxing and even at times funny. So if you're not looking for anything more, go for it.
Ruin - Rachel Van Dyken Shoulda, coulda, woulda 5 stars, but...

I have 2 major problems with this book:

1) Cover - I totally felt the need to puke all over, just like Wes (although in other circumstances) because it's sooo cheesy, and I'm sure that way-too-much sweet readers and the ones with lack of brain are totally swooned and got all drooling, but seriously... cover is "disgusting" and didn't do any justice to this book.

2) Prologue: I sooo hate when one is like you flipping the pages to see how the story ends. Especially when it's all dramatic, and you should totally brace yourself for something... that... well, sort of, not gonna happened. It's somehow a cheap shot to get readers all excited and make them read the book. Seriously??

Other than the above mentioned, I really enjoyed this book. Mostly because there were so many funny dialogues I'd have to laugh out loud. These were smart and intelligent, really loved them.

Also it had some sort of intelligent, sensitive emotional build up, you really felt envied to experience it. Drama was enough... not too much... but emotional enough.

Still, around the end of the story, it was all screwed somehow... all the signs heading to HEA, which really happened in a sort of cheesy, hollywoodish way.

I get it when ones have a fatal illness should have to have (or not necessarily) a near death experience with guarding angel with wisdom. But still...

Until that point, it was really great drama, preparing yourself totally for the inevitable, and than comes the all sort of pink, we're so happy it's like oozes from sweets, yuuuck.

So, altogether, this was an example of how to screw an otherwise really great book with a lightly puking ending.
Afterburn - Sylvia Day This was fun. And did very good things with my mind after my weak reading experiences lately.

Perhaps because I was never disappointed with Sylvia Day's writing style and storyline. This one was one hot, sexy, funny erotic reading. Teasing dialogues, hot guys, tough new age manager woman.
Seriously, anything you can wish for a nice erotic chick lit. Add to it some mystery with the lead male character so you can think some, why he's so commitment fucked up.

Would have been a perfect summer beach read, well, I've missed that... but with chilly autumn weather, it can really get you all hot and bothered.
Revealing Us (Inside Out Trilogy) - Lisa Renee Jones Actually I'm confused and disappointed with this book...

First two books had very high standards. Even after If I Were You, I wasn't sure if suspense could be hold in this quality for the next edition. But LRJ scored it perfectly. Maybe that's why I wasn't "worried". She did it once, she will do it again.

Well, no such luck...

This one was farfetched. We got the last couple of entries of Rebecca (which were pointless, but I guess you had to have all Rebecca related in this final book). There wasn't much logic to it how these couple of entries were placed in the book, but never mind. This wasn't my main problem.

My main problem was: I could practically feel it throughout my whole reading, that Lisa Renee Jones was struggling with this one. Everything was forced: tensions, suspense, conflicts and end drama.
It had this building up thing like something's gonna happen and you could create all your conspiracy theories. Which was good. But when it came to Chris' biggest fear and drama at the end of this book, I was like: Seriously, that's it???? Okay, so it was drama all right, but he made so big fuss about it, that I was expecting something more complex.

I was happy with new characters, like Amber and Tristan. They seemed interesting and head this mystic clinging to them which somehow made up for lack of it in major part of this book.

Conflict and crisis issues between Sara and Chris were also forced. Like there should be some trust issues to make them interesting.

And this whole Ella situation. Sometimes it was present, full force, everybody investigating about it... and than... it's totally forgotten. Like LRJ's just realized she had another storyline needs to be tended.

And when I was somehow at the end of my ropes... came the Epilogue. Rather annoying, than edge for me, because it had some future promise in it, that maybe, just maybe Inside Out trilogy will return with some other name, focusing on Ella.... Grrr :(